Radio Shows
Autism & Special Needs
Myths of Autism
Focus on myths regarding autism and autistic spectrum disorders and a discussion with the Institute for Infant and Preschool Mental Health.
Best Understanding of Autistic Spectrum Disorders
The highlights of the true current best understanding of what an autistic spectrum disorder means including the causes, prognosis, treatment options, and myths and mistakes as best we know it.
Learning to Attend, Regulate, Engage, and Become a Purposeful Communicator
How to help children learn to attend, be calm, regulated, engage with others, and begin the process of communication.
Learning to Communicate, Problem Solve, and Use Ideas and Words
Strategies to enhance back-and-forth communication, shared social problem solving interactions, and the beginning of learning to use ideas and words.
Learning to Speak, Use Ideas, and Think
How to help children learn to speak, use ideas, and connect ideas together in order to think.
Learning to Master Higher Levels of Reflective and Abstract Thinking
How to help children advance from the basic levels of thinking into the more advanced levels of reflective thinking and abstract thinking.
Frequent Questions Regarding Children with Special Needs
Answering specific and frequent questions regarding children with special needs, mainly focusing on self-stimulation and perseveration.
Scripting, Echolalia, Repetitive, Verbal, and Symbolic Activities
How to help children master their tendencies to script, to be echolalic, and to be perseverative in their use of words as well as their use of behaviors, as well as be sensory craving.
Working with Children Who Are Sensory Craving and Active
How to help children with the challenge of being very sensory craving and very active, and therefore often very avoidant.
Working With Family Dynamics: Turning Challenges Into Constructive Opportunities
Working with families with special needs and their specific family patterns to turn these challenges into positive responses and constructive opportunities for the child and the family.
Working With Unique Biological Differences
How to work with the unique biological differences of a child with special needs or autistic spectrum disorders.
Working with Children with Visual Deficits
How to help children with severe visual deficits master the stages of functional emotional development and develop visual-spatial thinking.
Working with Children with Hearing Deficits
How to help children with hearing challenges, motor challenges, and non-verbal learning difficulties develop cognitive skills and use sensory modalities to master the functional developmental capacities.
How Children Diagnosed with an Autistic Spectrum Disorder Can Develop Social and Emotional Skills
Case discussion of how children with autistic spectrum disorders can develop social skills using the DIR®/Floortime™ Model, contrary to what popular literature assumes.
Helping Children and Families Cope with the Child's Growing Awareness of His Challenges and Helping the Child Overcome Compulsions and Fears
Stories and steps in helping children who are beginning to become aware of some of their challenges and differences from other children, understand and cope with this awareness; and helping children overcome their compulsions and fears.
Questions from Imagine Academy
Question and answer session with the parents and staff of Imagine Academy from New York. Guide to Autistic Spectrum Disorders. Guest from About.Com: Lisa Jo Rudy
Question and answer session with Lisa Jo Rudy from Guide to Autistic Spectrum Disorders.
Asperger's Syndrome
The pathways to Asperger's Syndrome and the developmental principles that apply to this diagnosis.
Ethics of Helping Children Overcome Problems of Aggression and Behavior in School Settings
Dealing with problems of aggression and behavior in schools for children of all ages through the ethical point of view of intervening with children with special needs or an autistic spectrum disorder.