Descripción del curso

La planificación motriz es una diferencia individual que afecta mucho más que las habilidades motoras, incluidas las habilidades socioemocionales y el desarrollo del habla y el lenguaje. 

En este taller, los participantes obtendrán conocimientos prácticos sobre los componentes de la planificación motriz, cómo apoyar a las personas con desafíos de planificación motriz y estrategias para hablar sobre praxis con los cuidadores.

Método de instrucción: Conferencia en vivo en línea con video de estudio de caso.

Sin requisitos previos

Objetivos de aprendizaje


Professional Continuing Education

All participants can request a Certificate of Attendance documenting hours of participation and available professional continuing education credits at the time of registration. Please note that continuing education credit is only provided for direct seat time. Course preparation including readings, lectures, and mentoring is not included in the CE hour or credit total. This course is a live online course and participants must log in individually to the online classroom, following the instructions provided by ICDL and with their camera on, so there is a record of each participant's attendance individually. If participants join in a room with a group, each participant must still log in on their own device so ICDL can see each participant and verify each individual's login and log out of the online classroom. Participants must attend the entire course to get CE credit. Partial credit is not an option.  

Please CLICK HERE for Instructor Disclosures 

The course content is focused on a specific product or service (DIRFloortime®) and there will be no mention of other products or services. ICDL does not receive any commercial support for this course.

Continuing Education Questions?  E-mail ceu@icdl.com

Speech and Language Pathologists

This course is offered for 0.3 ASHA CEUs (Various levels, Professional area).

Non-Credit Onsite Events: Continuing education credit is not offered for breakfast, luncheon, and dinner functions nor breaks, board and committee meetings, and networking events.

Skills Level: This Training is appropriate for occupational therapists, speech and language pathologists, educators, and mental health treating professionals of all skill levels.

Important Information for Speech and Language Pathologists:

As part of your registration, you were asked if you want CE credits for ASHA for this course. Selecting "yes" is required for ICDL to process your ASHA continuing education credits. If you chose "yes", our Continuing Education Department will complete and submit an ASHA participant form on your behalf at the conclusion of your course as long as your attendance requirements are met

We also request that all participants complete a course evaluation form that will be received via email.  This course evaluation is for ICDL and is used to help improve all aspects of our training program. Your feedback is valuable and we thank you for your time!

If you have any questions about this process please email us at ceu@icdl.com.

Occupational Therapist

DIR 430: Motor Planning

ICDL is an AOTA Approved Provider of professional development. Provider approval ID # 6778. This live online course is offered at 0.3 CEUs, introductory level, professional area. The assignment of AOTA CEUs does not imply endorsement of specific course content, products, or clinical procedures by AOTA.

(Introductory level, Professional area)

Non-Credit Onsite Events: Continuing education credit is not offered for breakfast, luncheon, and dinner functions nor breaks, board and committee meetings, and networking events.

Skill Level: This Training is appropriate for occupational therapists, speech and language pathologists, educators, and mental health treating professionals of all skill levels.

Participants must attend the entire session to successfully complete the course 

Please complete the course evaluation form that will be e-mailed to you from ICDL. This course evaluation is for ICDL and is used to help us improve our course offerings. We thank you for your time.


ICDL has been approved by NBCC as an Approved Continuing Education Provider, ACEP No. 6733. Programs that do not qualify for NBCC credit are clearly identified. ICDL is solely responsible for all aspects of the programs.  This course is available for NBCC continuing education credits.  The number of CEUs for NBCC is based on the number of "seat" hours for the course.  This course has three (3) seat hours of instruction.

music therapists

MT-BCs can claim credits for the course under the Other Continuing Education Opportunities category for recertification. Please refer to the Recertification Manual for additional details